Situated in the heart of the Bay of Chaleur, Caplan offers landscapes that can catch your breathe.
The friendly and dynamic reception that these residents have make it an enjoyable and unique place for a weekend. It has a road stop where the sea is accessible by a footpath or an area where you may rest for a while and enjoy the magnificent scenery. Several of its beaches are open to the public, especially the one name La Rivière where the Caplan River joins the sea.
Situated also in the western part of the MRC of Bonaventure, Caplan has an area 0f 85, 75 km, and 1980 (2020) inhabitants.
For the past few years, there has been a noticeable increase in the population of Caplan due to a new residential vocation. A better place to live.

Superficie : 85,75 km²
Population : 2 011 habitants (2022)
Maire : Lise Castilloux
Gentilé : Caplinot, oise
Coordonnées :
17, Boulevard Perron Est
Caplan, Québec G0C 1H0
418 388-2075