Development Service of the Territory
Development Service of the Territory of the MRC of Bonaventure
Principally charged to elaborate, adopt, revise the schema of management and development of the MRC of Bonaventure, the Development Service of the territory sets the following actions:
- To assure the following of its managing and developing schema and its plan of action.
- To analyse the contents of the plans and regulations of urbanization (zones, estates, construction, etc.) of the municipalities and cities of the territory, as well as, to insure that it corresponds to the contents of the Schema of management and development.
- To prepare and insure the following of the modifications brought to the plans and regulations of urbanization of the municipalities and cities of the territory of the MRC.
- To issue the technical advices to ensure the conformity of the plans and regulations.
- To issue the technical advises of conformity of the schema plan for management and development for:
- Loan regulations of the cities and municipalities
- Governmental Intervention Notices
- Conformity Attestations concerning private promoters
- Notices for modification demands (including and excluding) of the protected agricultural zone by the Respecting the Preservation of Agricultural Land and Agricultural Activities
Regional Economical Development
Implicated to a certain point of view, the Development service of the territory acquires the following tasks in this domain:
- The preparation of reports and documents pertaining to the decision taken.
- The collaboration of different documents of management and development regionally
- The preparations of notices, opinions, and different reports of subjects pertaining to regional development
Interpretation and Application of Provincial Laws and Regulations
The resource person responsible of the Management Service of the territory of the MRC of Bonaventure may help you in the interpretation and application of the different provincial laws and regulations concerning the management and development of the territory :
- Act Respecting Land Use Planning and Development ;
- Act Respecting the Preservation of Agricultural Land and Agricultural Activities ;
- Cultural Property Act;
- Regulation Respecting Waste Waters Disposal Systems for Isolated Dwellings;
- – Protection Policy for Lakeshores, Riverbanks, Littoral Zones and Floodplains
Recurring and Permanent Mandates of the Management and Development Service
- To assure the application of the urbanizations regulations in the non-organized territories of the MRC.
- To assure a permanent follow, and to offer the proper technical assistance in the application of the regulations of urbanization of the municipalities and cities of the territory of the MRC.
- To assure a permanent follow, and to offer the proper technical assistance in the application of the regulations on the environment (wastewater for isolated residences, animal production, etc.) that the municipalities and cities of the territory of the MRC must apply.
- To offer technical assistance concerning the different functions of the different consulting committees of urbanization of the municipalities and cities of the territory.
Recently the management of the waterways, were transferred to the MRC with a character such as ours. Here are its actions to follow:
- The signing of an inter-municipal agreement pertaining to the management of its waterways concluded in each municipality, city and the MRC.
- The application of a Policy relating to the management of municipal waterways, a Policy that shows the least movement or change taken that would affect the waterways.
Resource person
Dany Voyer, aménagiste
581 357-1127