Mayors Council

The council of mayors is the decision-making body that administers the affairs of the MRC de Bonaventure. It ensures the development and well-being of its territory and population.

It is composed of the mayors of the 13 towns and cities, and directed by the prefect, who is elected every 2 years. He acts as the first representative of the MRC and presides over the council meetings.

MRC Council

Éric Dubé
Éric DubéPrefect

New Richmond

Denis Gauthier
Denis GauthierDeputy Prefect


Ashley Milligan
Ashley Milligan


Roch Audet
Roch Audet


Linda MacWhirter
Linda MacWhirter

Hope Town

Gérard Litalien
Gérard Litalien


Lise Castilloux
Lise Castilloux


Josiane Appleby
Josiane Appleby


Marc Loisel
Marc Loisel


Paquerette Poirier
Paquerette Poirier


David Thibault
David Thibault

New Carlisle

Hazen Whittom
Hazen Whittom


Rollande Couture Beebe
Rollande Couture Beebe


Times and place of meetings of the council of mayors
The council of mayors of the MRC de Bonaventure generally meets in public session every two months (with the exception of July and August), on the second Wednesday of the month. The sessions begin at 7:30 p.m. and take place at the Saint-Siméon community hall located at 143, boulevard Perron Ouest, Saint-Siméon.

Council meetings are televised by Télévag community television.

View the minutes section