Administrative Committee

The administrative committee of the MRC of Bonaventure is composed of the prefect, substitute prefect, and three other elected members of the council of mayors. Their mandate lasts 2 years.

There are recommendation powers and one surveillance power that apply to the council of mayors of the MRC of Bonaventure. The mayors’ council of the MRC of Bonaventure has delegated to the administrative committee the power to approve the certificates that may modify the regulations of urbanization of its localities.

Structure of the Administrative Committee

Éric Dubé
Éric DubéPrefect
Mayor of New Richmond
Marc Loisel
Marc Loisel
Mayor of Paspébiac
Linda MacWhirter
Linda MacWhirter
Hope Town
Denis Gauthier
Denis Gauthier Substitute prefect
Rock Audet
Rock Audet