Residual Material Plan
Residual Materials Management Plan
In 2015, the MRCs of Bonaventure and Avignon adopted a residual materials management plan (PGMR). This plan takes stock of waste, recyclable and organic materials, construction-renovation-demolition residues, hazardous household waste, etc. produced in the two MRCs. It also lists the management targets to be achieved for these materials and presents a five-year timetable for carrying out the measures proposed to achieve the targets, as well as an associated budget.
The Environment Quality Act requires that such a plan be produced every five years by regional county municipalities. The PGMR must comply with the strategic directions and action plan of the Québec Residual Materials Management Policy.
In addition to reducing the tonnage of landfilled materials, maximizing the lifespan of the engineered landfill site (LET) and efficiently and ecologically managing the materials produced, reaching management targets ensures the maximization of subsidies (compensations for collection fees and disposal fees) received annually by the municipalities. These sums are then invested in measures to monitor and manage the residual materials produced, as well as in information, awareness and education activities for the population that will make it possible to achieve the targets established in the PGMR.