Tax Evaluation
The role of the tax evaluation is to take inventory of all the properties situated in the territory of a municipality. It indicates the value of each unit based on articles 43 to 45 on the Act Respecting Municipal Taxation.
In the case of residential properties, the principal factors that determine the value are:
- The area
- Then dimensions of the lot
- Materials and size of the buildings
- The age of the property, this adjusted by the renovation made or added to the building.
- The quality of the construction.
Done under the supervision of Group Altus, the tax evaluation is the principal base for school and municipal taxation.
For more information : Web Matrix – Group Altus.
Group Altus Mandates
- To ensure support to the municipalities on all questions concerning property taxes.
- To inform the municipalities of any dispositions and changes about the Act Respecting Municipal Taxation.
- To inspect the properties and describe on file all the characteristics of the buildings and land
- To determine the value of the property with regards to the market
- To keep an inventory of each building
- To pass in revue the different transactions and permits issued by the municipalities, to keep the evaluation up to date
- To conceive a graphic evaluation register and keep it up to date.
This service is also to supply other information relative to the properties, the value of the properties sold and the tendencies of the market.
New Re–appraisal Claim
Any person in disagreement with an evaluation or modification may make a reappraisal claim within 60 days of notice. The necessary instructions are on the reverse side of the notice.