Financial Support for Businesses
The MRC of Bonaventure deals with different financial funds that enables it to support entrepreneurial projects, with financial contributions such as, non-reimbursable (subventions) or small loans.
Territorial Development Fund
The Territorial Development Fund is a financial contribution fund non-refundable aimed at different types of entrepreneurial projects. Here are the parts of the divisions admissible for the private sector.
Expansion and innovation
This part aims to support the enterprise that has been active for at least two years and wishes to expand or innovate. The expenses for the immobilization, equipment, (rolling stock), and the acquisition of technologies are admissible.
Creation and acquisition
This part aims to support the repurchasing, rebuilding as well as the creation of an enterprise. In the case of the creation of a business, the promotor must be the major proprietor. In the cases of rebuilding and repurchasing, he must own a minimum of 25% of the shares.
Studies, researches and development
This part aims to support all types of organisms in their preliminary procedures for their future projects. The expenses admissible are professional, expertise and other consultant fees. The salaries of the employees or trainee working on the procedure may also be admissible.
Local Investment Funds (FLI) and Local Solidarity Funds (FLS)
The Local Solidarity Fund is a loan and aims in supporting financially, expansion, starting and acquisition projects. Interest rates are evaluated by the risks of the projects. The principal criteria for these funds are employment creation, the diversification of services offered to the citizens and the economical revenues on its territory.
Local Investment Funds for rebuilding
The Local Investment Fund is a loan for the rebuilding or upgrading aims to support the transfer of an existing business to another proprietor. Offering advantageous interest rates, it is an excellent way to assure the continuity of the businesses in our region.
Local Investment Funds, short-term loan
This loan from the Local Investment Fund aims at supporting, the existing businesses who need an advance in funds for a short- term notice to deliver a product or service, which is signed with the client or business partner. The length of this loan is from 3 months to a year.
For further information on the financial support offered by the MRC of Bonaventure, download the Quebec Business support.
Individual Training
The MRC may reimburse a part of its clients’ annual expenses (by accompaniment or financially) who decide to improve their management skills. We must validate before, that the training that to be given, is not already subsidized by the Local Employment Center or by another organization.
Groupe Training
In partnership with organizations of the region, the MRC of Bonaventure has mandated itself to organize courses responding to the needs in the territory. The goal of this is to offer courses at a lower cost for the employees and employers. Here are a few examples of courses offered in this context: Initiation to accounting, social network management, web tools usage, etc.
For more information, download the following documents:
- Report on the Annual Development Funds of the Territories
- Priority Issues
- Financial aid forms
- Final Stage Report form
Resource persons
To discuss a project contact Francois Bujold who will guide through the different steps.
François Bujold
581 357-0126
Isabelle Bourque
581 357-0124
Sébastien Cayouette
581 357-0125
Contact person
To discuss a project, first contact Dominique Galarneau, Economic Development Officer, who will be able to guide you through the next steps.
Dominique Galarneau
Economic Development Officer
418 752-1474