Integrated Management Resource Table of the Gaspesie

The MRC of Bonaventure has been designated as the organization responsible for coordinating the Integrated Resource and Territorial Management Table (TGIRT) of Gaspésie. Bringing together local TGIRT actors from the Pointe, the South and the North (see map), the Regional Table is the privileged place for consultation of organizations concerned by forest management activities on the public territory of the region.
A forum for discussing issues of regional interest, the Gaspésie TGIRT is also used to develop values, objectives, indicators and targets (VOIC) recorded in the form of files in the tactical integrated forest management plans (PAFIT ).

Accéder à l’espace membre

Member’s area

Contribution des TGIRT aux PAFIT

Plus spécifiquement la contribution des Tables de gestion intégrée des ressources et du territoire aux plans d’aménagement forestier intégré tactique vise à :

  • Diffuser l’information pertinente aux exercices de planification d’aménagement forestier et partager les préoccupations de chacun à cet égard;
  • Déterminer les valeurs, objectifs, indicateurs et cibles liés à l’aménagement forestier à l’échelle de chaque unité d’aménagement (UA) ;
  • Alimenter le forestier en chef dans ses calculs de possibilités (affectations forestières, éléments de la stratégie d’aménagement et des scénarios sylvicoles).


Les TGIRT réunissent les intervenants concernés par l’aménagement forestier, y compris le ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs ainsi que les personnes et les organismes ciblés par l’article 55 de la Loi sur l’aménagement durable du territoire forestier.

The Functioning

In Gaspesie, the TGIRT (la Pointe, of the South, and of the North) intervene on a level of units. They collaborate most specifically on the elaboration of the plans of operational forestry management (PAFIO) and agree on operational measures and harmonization.

More specifically, they contribute too :

  • Determinate the sectors to intervene
  • Determinate the roads and substructures to build
  • Elaborate the prescribed silvicultures

Roles and Mandates

The TGIRTS are there to assure the right decisions be taken by the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks, in the interest of the preoccupations of the people and organization concerned by the forestry management activities in the public territory within the framework of the elaboration of the Plans of Forestry Management Integrated (PAFI). This way, they may propose to the Ministry an assembly of objectives and stakes defined by the interests and preoccupations of the participants at the table.

The TGIRTS also find solutions to consolidate the opinions sometimes differentiating between the participants.

Download operating rules of  TGIRT :



Les documents suivants ont été élaborés avec les TGIRT et constituent des balises qui encadrent son travail.


Guillaume Berger-Richard
418 408-0684