Word from our Prefect
Dear Citizens,
Welcome to the MRC of Bonaventure website.
This platform will help you discover the services and resources offered by the MRC.
You will find in this document, information about our committees, our roles and responsibilities for the municipalities that make up our MRC. You will find as well the services and programs offered to the citizens, organizations, and businesses. As well as the plan for our territory and forests, which was created in a durable development perspective.
The natural, social, cultural and economic advantages that the MRC of Bonaventure has to offer to its inhabitants makes it an exceptional place to live. It is also a great place for investors to ilearn more about our development plan and the different programs the MRC as to offer.
In the name of my colleagues, of the council of mayors, I invite you to discover the MRC of Bonaventure, who defines itself as dynamic and innovative in an area of maritime beauty surrounded by forests and coastal waters.
Éric Dubé
Prefect of the MRC of Bonaventure
Mayor of New Richmond